The A is for Addalyn first birthday brunch featured many watercolor elements through the whole event--the invitations, the nut cups, the sugar cookies, the thank-you cards, and even the ribbon used to wrap the present.
I knew I wanted a watercolored wax-resist look for the invitations, and I also knew that I'm perfectly awful at creating digital art, so I'd best do it with actual paints.
Luckily, that is incredibly easy, and requires no particular artistic talent. You just need some watercolor paper, watercolors, and paintbrushes. Even the cheapo foam brushes will do.
It feels like cheating even to call this a tutorial, becaue you pretty much just do it. Get the brush nice and wet, paint the paper with the clean water, then start applying the watered down paint.
Add more color to one spot, blend in a second color in a different spot. Use a rag to blot off some paint and water if you want. Just play.
Or, if the colors I used work for you, too you can download them for yourself and use them, too! Just click the link to load the full size image, and right click to save to your desktop.
Aqua Blue Watercolor Scrapbook Paper Digital File Download
Peach and Coral Watercolor Scraobook Paper Digital File Download
Coral and Aqua Watercolor Scrapbook Paper Digital File Download
Coral and Aqua Watercolor Paper sized for a 5x7 Printable Invitation
Let me know if you make something with these papers!