The crowning touch on my tiny little bottles of limoncello was the custom wax seal with my logo.
When I came up with the idea, I initially looked into having a custom wax seal stamp made, and I found places that would do it for me. But it would cost about $100. I didn't want one that much. So I decided to see if I could make one myself.
I took some FIMO dough I already had in the house, and rolled it into a cylinder roughly the diameter I wanted the wax seals to be. Then I tapped it on my kitchen counter a couple times to create a nice round, flat surface. A little carving with a sharp toothpick, and a bake in the oven and it was done!
I used the technique from my durable faux wax seal tutorial (pictured above--that's not the stamp I made) to make my "wax" seals for the limoncello bottles. My homemade stamp did tend to stick a bit more than machined metal ones, but as long as I kept my seal slightly damp (just dabbed with a damp cloth) it worked perfectly stamping Sculpey dough wax seals.
Note: I also tried using my homemade stamp on the hot wax I used to seal the bottles, and that did NOT work. Big waxy mess. Ruined my stamp and had to re-make it.
Now I want to make tons of different wax seal stamps! I'm guessing I could use anything from my rubber stamp collection to make my own wax seal stamps for any occasion. I can't wait to try!