Murlin may be our little Ewok, but Morgana Le Fur is our scraggly, wiry, rescue dog Yoda. So of course I had to make a Yoda costume for her--those whispy hairs, those ears!
She thoroughly enjoyed being rubbed with the green hair chalk, but wasn't so impressed with my plan when I went to take her picture, so you don't get the full effect of just how awesomely Yoda-like her ears are. But when I'm not pointing a camera at her, she looked perfect!
To make the costume, I used cream knit fabric, twine, and a glue gun. You could certainly sew this, but I was looking for an easy project that could be done in a flash, and it's way easier for me to pull out the glue gun than the sewing machine.
I cut a general kimono kind of shape out of the knit fabric. The fabric is folded at the top of the kimono, on the top edge of the sleeve. I just notched out a bit at the center for the neck hole and cut up the center front with a pair of scissors.
I also cut two longer, narrow strips of the same fabric to create the effect of a cowl on the robe.
I used my glue gun to glue the seams together, then turned the robe inside out. Finally, I glued the two longer strips of fabric to the edge of the robe, attaching it so that it stayed folded and bunched together. A twine belt finished the ensemble.
Morgana looked adorable, but was not interested in having her picture taken.
I was promised belly rubs if I did this.
And treats.
Seriously, mom.
Belly rubs! Lots of belly rubs!