MMmm, tasty brains...er...chocolate, that is. The perfect treat for our Zombie Science party.
And not just any chocolate brains, but orange cream filled chocolate brains!
I used a Wilton brand chocolate mold in the shape of human brains, Easy Fond, Fanta orange soda, and orange colored chocolate melting disks.
I melted some of the orange chocolate candy making disks, spooned the chocolate in the cavities (but only maybe half way full at the most) and used a spoon to push the chocolate to cover the entire surface of each mold cavity, leaving a dished-out center.
Pop in the fridge to harden before adding the cream filling.
I whipped up an incredibly easy orange cream filling for the chocolates by mixing Easy Fond and orange soda. I didn't measure my amounts, but rather added the soda to the Easy Fond and mixed until I got a good consistency. Easy Fond is a product for making cream centers in chocolates, I know it includes invert sugar, but I don't know exactly how that works, I just know it makes a really easy cream filling!
The filling gets thicker as it sits, FYI. What seemed pretty runny when I mixed it up was not nearly as oozy when I bit in to one of the chocolates.
Melt some more of the chocolate disks, and spoon on top of the cream filling, filling the remaining space in the mold cavity.
Pop into the fridge to let the last of the chocolate harden, and there you have it, taaaaaaaasty braaaaaaains.