Planning a Doctor Who birthday party? Or perhaps a viewing party for the premier of season 9 on September 19th?
Then what better, easier invitation to send than one that looks like the invitations from the episode "The Impossible Astronaut?" I didn't have a mess of interesting stamps, nor do I have a color printer to print out replicas, so I decided that the Doctor's invitation would be the easiest to recreate. No stamps necessary, just a couple barcodes.
I bought this set of blank blue cards and matching envelopes at Michaels, but you can get them many places, including Amazon.
I used a free barcode generator to make my barcodes (so you can have them say anything you'd like if you want to be sneaky, geeky, and clever. Glue the two barcodes to the upper right corner of the envelope.
I knew I couldn't make particularly good freehand circles to create the Gallifreyan style postage cancellation marks; I needed a template to trace. I made a quick and easy one out of cardstock and a 1" and 2" paper punch. I wish I'd had a 1.5" circle punch, as the scale would have looked better, but I was working with what I already had on hand.
I used a white paint pen marker and my circle template to draw overlapping circles on the envelope. The smallest couple circles I did freehand.
And, of course, don't forget to number the invitations on the back!
Woo hoo, ready for season 9!
And, of course, it makes an excellent birthday card to go along with my Doctor Who gift wrap tutorial.