I love making lots and lots of Christmas cookies every year. I just like having a large assortment of cookies and flavors, but I'd be in trouble if I ate them all, so I end up giving most of them away, and keeping just a few of each variety for myself. And I love coming up with easy, creative ways to package those confections so they look pretty when I give them to my friends and neighbors.
Like these plain white take-out containers, embellished with just a little bit of gold paint. Everything is better with a bit of golden glamor, right? Right.
The designs were inspired by my gorgeous foil-stamped Christmas cards from Shutterfly. I absolutely love the elegant designs (and I must be part magpie, because I find that gold foil embellishment absolutely irresistible). And the matching envelope liners? Gorgeous, and SO EASY with the self-stick strip! I've made my own envelope liners before, and this is WAY easier.
The materials couldn't be simpler: A gold paint pen and plain white takeout containers. I bought mine at Smart and Final. I like using takeout containers for giving away my cookies, because I know that they are food-safe. No question about it, they were designed for holding food. Always better to be safe.
I'm not the best artist, but I'm pretty good at copying designs. I picked up on the gold foil motifs from our Christmas card to draw the gold patterns on the white cookie containers.
I have to also give a shout-out to Shutterfly for having the best photo Christmas ornaments. What an easy, cherished gift for the grandparents (and a set for us, too!)
I also had these two photos of our recent family trip to the UK printed up in 16x20 prints, and had them framed. A little Christmas gift to myself. It's been about five years since I added any photos to our family gallery wall! How adulty am I, being all excited by new photos of my children on my wall? Super adulty.
I love getting inspired by great design! Especially when it inspires me to create a beautiful, coordinated gift.
A lovely Christmas card with a coordinated package of homemade goodies? I know I'd love to receive that, so I absolutely love giving it as a gift.
This post has been sponsored by Shutterfly, but all opinions, ideas, crafts, and enthusiasm are entirely my own.