Welcome to Part 3 of the Sugar Plum Fairy Party posts! This post will focus on the actual celebration, the games and the fun.
When the guests arrived, the birthday girl's older sister was there, waiting to give them ballerina makeovers.
A fanciful flower hair clip, tutu, tulle wings (found at the dollar store!), snowflake wand, and lots of glittery makeup made the six and seven year olds feel like royalty.
While waiting for makeovers, girls could work on a snowflake charm craft at a nearby table. I love these kinds of activities at the beginning of a party, when the children are just arriving. It keeps everyone occupied and happy while waiting for all the guests.
One of the guests is actually in this year's production of The Nutcracker Ballet and gave us an impromptu performance!
Next, we moved on to decorating the gingerbread houses. You can only keep kids away from those for so long once they've seen them!
I love the look of satisfied accomplishment on this three-year-old's face:
Limbo was easy. I took an extension stick for a paint roller and covered it in ribbon to make it pretty, and match our theme. I decided that we were going to play Nutcracker Limbo. Pretty much like limbo, except the kids had to dance to the music to get to the end of the line. They had a ball twirling and grooving to their own personal style of dance while they weren't trying to shimmy under the stick.

For the pin-the-tail game, I had a more complicated time making that fit the theme. I decided to paint a watercolor poster of a Sugar Plum Fairy to use as both decor, and the game board.
I made the crowns out of cardstock and Swarovski rhinestones. I used a repositionable gluestick (available at Michael's) to turn the crowns into post-its. They worked acceptably on the bare poster, but beautifully once I framed the art.
I also made a custom blindfold so everything would match the theme:
I love the looks on their faces when they see where they've placed the crown!
There you have it, the grand Sugar Plum Fairy celebration! Keep coming back--the DIY projects and tutorials start with tomorrow's post!
OMG such detail! Very impressive!