This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DisneyEaster #CollectiveBias
Do you have a FROZEN fiend or two in your household? We certainly do! It's a struggle every morning to get Niamh out of her Elsa pajamas, because she loves wearing them so much. I admit, some weekends, I let her wear them pretty much all day. She's just too cute swirling around and belting out "Let it Go." So when I had the opportunity to partner with Disney and create a FROZEN themed Easter party, I was so excited--but nothing compared to my girls' pure joy at the idea!
I'd seen plenty of FROZEN birthday parties, but never anything for Easter, so I had a great time coming up with creative new ideas for the party.
I love doing tons of DIY projects for all my events, but it's also really nice to be able to get items already made, especially when I'm dealing with characters, and there were a ton of fabulous options for FROZEN Easter items available at Walmart this year.
Easter baskets, buckets, filled Easter eggs--you could easily do a whole FROZEN Easter celebration just by buying things in the seasonal aisle. I picked up a bunch of great stuff specifically for Easter, and found other great options in the party aisle to flesh out my theme. Paper plates and napkins, stickers to put in some of the Easter eggs, etc. One stop shopping FTW.
Of course, being able to buy all sorts of great FROZEN products was not going to stop me from doing fun craft projects. I found these plain pink and purple baskets, and was immediately reminded of Anna's wardrobe. Some felt, some rhinestones, and some hot glue later, and I had Anna inspired Easter baskets for each kid, ready for the Easter egg hunt.
My grandmother used to make Victorian panoramic sugar Easter eggs each year. They're kind of like a giant sugar cube, hollowed out, egg shaped, with a window in the front and a royal icing scene inside. We still have some of them that she made decades ago, in fact. My grandmother occasionally made round versions at Christmas, with holiday scenes inside. As soon as I started brainstorming for the FROZEN Easter egg hunt, I knew that I wanted to share that family tradition with our friends. I decided to make the round version, so they'd look like snowballs, and created little scenes from FROZEN inside the sugar shell. Snowy trees, snowmen, and moss covered rock troll icing stones. The kids went nuts for the panoramic sugar scenes; it was totally worth the effort it took to make them.
The panoramic sugar snowballs were really more for a take-home favor than eating, but we had lots of fun treats on the table as well. I've always been a sucker for finger Jello, so making gelatin versions of Kristoff's ice blocks was a natural idea. I also made small candy-filled carrots in honor of Sven.
I always like to have fresh fruit at my parties, and this time, I also made snow-white, fluffy, delicious fruit dip to go along with it.
I used my Easter egg cookie cutters to make these moss-covered stone rock troll cookies. I love how easy these were, and they were so cute!
There's a pretty new gourmet marshmallow shop in my town called Fluff It Marshmallows, and I thought the FROZEN party would be a perfect time to try out and showcase some of their snowy white pillows of deliciousness. The kids--and all the moms--absolutely loved them. Especially those birthday cake flavored ones with the sprinkles.
Rock candy works perfectly with a FROZEN theme, and is always a favorite with kids. I also made Russian tea cakes (snowball cookies) and we had a plate of chocolates (of course!). Couldn't have a FROZEN party without chocolate.
The thought of an Easter egg hunt was even more appealing to the kids than the sweets on display, so we got straight to the games before eating.
First up, the Easter egg hunt! I had tons of eggs hidden through the park, filled either with chocolates, or with FROZEN stickers.
Here's our crew, ready to start hunting! I love the bunny ears--how appropriate for an Easter egg hunt?
And they were off in a flash! I love this group of friends so much. You should have heard how they shared, how they helped each other, how they looked out for the smaller kids. Completely without any reminders from the parents. What completely awesome kiddos.
You should have heard the excitement when the kids found the first hard-boiled Olaf eggs. I'm so glad I thought of doing those (totally at the last minute, of course).
There was one very special FROZEN egg for one lucky kid.
After all the eggs had been found, it was time to move on to the snowball fight.
With sincere apologies to our friends in the Northeast still buried under snow, this is how we do a snowball fight here in Arizona. It was amazingly fun, and our fluffy snowballs are a lot more fun to get hit by than the ones I remember from my youth. ;-)
We played the old classic egg-balanced-on-spoon relay race next, with our very special Olaf eggs.
Using the Olaf eggs definitely added extra incentive not to drop the eggs--nobody wanted to be the one who cracked Olaf! Look at the concentration on Poppy's face. That tongue!
The kids were hot and hungry and thirsty by the end of the games, and it was time for our picnic lunch.
Sandwiches (of course)! And carrots. I roasted some turkey breast (I can't stand lunch meat), cooked up some bacon, picked lettuce from our garden, and used my homemade mayo to make some really delicious club sandwiches for our party-goers.
What could be better than a sunny picnic lunch on a gorgeous spring day? Maybe that raspberry Poppy is so generously letting her brother eat.
I loved having an Easter celebration with some of our dear friends, and especially getting to share with them the panoramic sugar treats that I remember so fondly from my childhood Easter celebrations. What's your special Easter tradition?