Making play dough snowmen is a great activity no matter where you live. Maybe you live in a snowy place, but just want a fun indoor activity. Or maybe, like me, you live in a hot and snowless place, and want to create a bit of winter-themed fun. Either way, these snowman play dough kits are a hit!
They're perfect for classroom gifts, or stocking stuffers.
First, you'll need to make up a batch of homemade play dough (my favorite recipe is published on Tikkido here). Just in white, with no food coloring.
Ok, so it looks a wee bit cream colored. Just imagine you're making your snowman in the golden hour of sunset.
Knead white iridescent glitter into the white play dough to give it the sparkle of snow.
Use orange polymer clay to form carrot noses, and black polymer clay to form tiny lumps of coal. Bake the polymer clay according to the directions on the package.
Add some miniature top hats and miniature craft buttons to the mix.
Isn't he cute? I should have made the carrot noses about half the size I did, though.
Package up the snowmen kits in air-tight plastic bags and tie with a festive bow.