DIY Project: How to Make Molded Sugar Treats

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When I was at the cake decorating store buying supplies for the Tykki-dyw butterfly party, I stumbled upon an adorable chocolate mold in the shape of tiny flowerpots. I loved them, and knew I wanted to use them in some way, but knew chocolate was out, since it was likely to be near 100 degrees for the party. Then I remembered the panoramic sugar eggs my grandmother used to make for Easter, and knew I had my solution.

Sugar flower pots topped with royal icing leaves and flowers. Sure, they're essentially large sugar cubes. A dessert table isn't about being healthy, though. I was ok with these sugar bombs for a once-a-year event.

Materials for Making Molded Sugar for Cake Decorating

  • 1 egg white (see note below)

  • 3 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • food coloring
1) Whisk the egg white so that it starts to look frothy. When making something that someone will eat, I prefer to usepasteurized, dried egg whites. If you're using dried egg whites, rehydrate the appropriateamountaccording to the package to equal one egg white and whip.
2) Mix the food coloring in with the egg white to get the easiest, best distribution of color.
3) Mix the dry ingredients together, then stir in the egg white. Keep stirring until all the sugar is evenly damp. You want the sugar to look like slightly wet sand. It should hold together in clumps when pressed together.
4) Press the wet sugar in the mold. Pack it in there as tightly as possible. Scrape off any excess sugar from the mold so the top surface is nice and flat.

5) Turn the molded sugar out on a flat surface. No need to wait for the sugar to dry; it's ready to turn out immediately, which is handy if you need to re-use the molds.

6) Let dry. After about an hour, if you'd like, you can hollow out the center of the molded sugar so it's not solid. Let dry overnight and the flower pots will be ready to decorate.

7) Pipe royal icing leaves on top of the sugar flower pot, and decorate with pre-made royal icing or gumpaste flowers. I always use meringue powder to make my royal icing, and just follow the recipe on the can.

8) Let royal icing dry overnight, and the molded sugar treats will be ready to serve. These can be made weeks ahead of time, which really helps if you're putting together a dessert table with all homemade goodies.

Imagine the possibilities here! Custom shaped sugar cubes for a child's tea party, a bridal luncheon, or a baby shower? A beach party with edible sand castle lollipops? My mind is spinning!

Nicole Wills, creator of Tikkido

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