Hold on to your hats, people. This is going to be a big, picture-riffic post.
Excited by the invitation/story, and primed for some Cornish culture, our guests arrived to find our backyard transformed into fairyland.
Look, even the local fairies decorated for the party!
The pinata. I made about 300 tissue paper roses for this sucker.
Ribbon backdrop for the dessert table. I scored over a thousand yards of ribbon in my fall color scheme for only $4 on clearance at my local ribbon and lace store! Ribbons were everywhere.
Fairies were hidden around, fun little surprises for observant guests.
I embellished this Ikea chandelier with Swarovski crystals, and adapted it to use votives instead of tapers.
More ribbon!
Fairy dust was one of the goodies in the treasure chest at the end of the treasure hunt.
I hand-painted unbleached muslin to make a tablecloth for the dessert table.
I built a standing stone circle based on the Merry Maidens stone circle in Cornwall. Mine was made out of Styrofoam, of course.
I also made a fairy ring, a ring of mushrooms where fairies are rumored to appear. I particularly love how this craft turned out!
Floral arrangements for the tables.
Hanging centerpieces floated over the tables under the fairy tree.
I loved my idea for attaching the labels to the beverage dispensers. So easy, so perfect for the theme! I'll show you how in an upcoming how-to.
One of my very favorite elements was how I made the punch glow and sparkle with light!
That's a look at the decor for the party! Come back tomorrow for more Cornish fairy party fun. Next up is the dessert table. You don't want to miss it!
I love love this whole party. I spotlighted yourpi...
can i ask how you m,ade the musrooms, they are so ...
the mushrooms were so simple! I cut Styrofoam bal...