I found this adorable galvanized metal watering can floral container recently at my local craft store, and knew I wanted it for a springy Easter flower arrangement.
But I've learned the hard way that just because the actual label on the container says it's a floral container, that doesn't mean it will actually hold water if you put actual flowers in there.
My workaround? A short glass of water (ice water here--daffodils love cold water!) that sits inside the decorative floral container.
Then just cut the flower stems to length and start sticking them in the water. Start by making a circle of flowers around the perimiter. Then build up the flower arrangment by resting the higher flowers on top of the lower ones. No special equipment, floral foam, floral frogs, or tape necessary.
And it works so well! The cris-crossing stems of the initial flowers also provide stability and structure for the later flowers, so you get a lovely dome effect.
Happy spring! How are you decorating for Easter?