Shoes not sparkly enough for your liking? (Or, in my case, my daughter's preferences?) Here's an easy tutorial to fancy up plain shoes for any fan of glitter.
My 5 year old daughter's old "party shoes" (her term), had seen better days. Much better days. So I bought these basic white flats as replacements, but they just weren't special enough to replace her old party shoes in her heart...until I added glitter. Ultra-fine, holographic glitter. It lets the color of the shoe shine through, but adds an amazing iridescent shimmer and sparkle.
The secret to this incredibly easy sparkly shoe makeover? Folk Art brand Extreme Glitter glue in Hologram. It's an all in one, durable, easy to apply product that's fabulous for adding some sparkle and shine to just about anything. Just paint it on, let it dry, and bask in the sparkle!
Shoes appropriately sparkly, kid crisis averted. They're now her favorite pair of shoes, worn all the time, and I can tell you that the glitter holds up well through some tough play!