I'm a great big geek. I know it, I own it, and it makes me really happy. I've always been one, and it's who I'll always be. (I mean, just look at the ancient Nintendo games I still have--and that still work--from the mid 80s!) So you combine geekiness with party planning and general craftiness, and what do you get?
A "Game Over" surprise at the bottom of the cup! In classic, old school, pixilated text, of course.
Game Over Geek Party Cups Materials:
- cardstock
- printer
- pixilated font
- clear glasses
- pencil
- scissors
- clear tape
First, you'll need a font written in pixelated style. I used SF Pixelate, a free font. Print out "Game Over" on cardstock (regular printer paper will work, but I thought it looked better with cardstock). Use your cup as a guide to trace a circle around the text, then cut the circle of paper out. Use a couple pieces of clear tape (not the satin or "magic" tape, you want clear) to attach the circle of paper to the bottom (underside) of the glass.
This is obviously a one-time-use kind of project, nothing permanent. Trust me, I'm working on creating a durable, dishwasher save version. ;-) But it was absolutely perfect for our Nintendo party!