Have you ever needed colored sugar, but couldn't find the right color, or didn't have the chance to go out and get some? You can make your own colored sugar! It's incredibly easy and quick to do, and in just seconds, you can have DIY colored sugar in any color of the rainbow.
I resorted to this for a very special peeps-themed recipe I was working on for Easter.
I'd found all of the other peeps colors of colored sugar (at the dollar store, even!), but not yellow. And yellow is the most classic peeps color! I couldn't not include yellow!
Materials for Homemade Colored Sugar:
- plain white sugar
- powdered food coloring
The process? It's as easy as mixing a little bit of powdered food coloring in to the plain white sugar.
Ta-da, colored sugar!
Tips for Coloring Sugar:
- Only fill up your bowl about half way. That way you have room to mix the sugar and food coloring thoroughly and well.
- Start small. Powdered food coloring is pretty intense, and you can always add more, but you can't take it back out of the sugar.
- No powdered food coloring on hand? You can also use gel (or even liquid) food coloring. In that case, it's easier to put teh sugar and food coloring in a plastic baggie and massage the color into the sugar. Afterward, spread it out on a plate or other flat surface to dry. You may need to break apart clumps after the sugar is dry, especially if you used liquid food coloring.
Like video tutorials? I made one of those for you, too!