Today is the last day of school for my girls--6th grade and 1st grade. I made fortune cookies again for my younger daughter's teacher, and for one of my older daughter's teachers, but the English teacher needed a special gift. You see, we discovered a few months ago, that the teacher--the 6th grade ENGLISH TEACHER--had never heard of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. NEVER HEARD OF IT. Clearly, this is a situation that has to be remedied.
Oh yeah, she's getting a full set of the books as her end of year gift. And I couldn't help but have fun wrapping the present to go along with the theme.
I already had the printable space wrapping paper. I just needed some towel-themed ribbon to go along with it.
I cut a strip of terrycloth (towel fabric) to use as a ribbon. I love making my own fabric ribbon, and in this case, it couldn't have been easier, because one strip fit around the present perfectly.
The tag was a last minute addition, but I LOVE it! I started with a basic tag punch and a 2" circle punch. I sketched the arms on a folded up piece of paper, and cut both out at the same time so they'd be the same.
The mouth was drawn on with Sharpie, and the white teeth and highlights on the tongue were easy to add with a white paint pen.
So don't panic, people. The English teacher will soon know the joy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.