Popcorn is always a party favorite with both kids and adults. And hosts--inexpensive, lots of volume, and tasty! And I love how many ways there are to dress it up. For the Disney Imagicademy party, I wanted to play with classic Disney themes: red and black colors, and polka dots (ala Minnie Mouse).
The end result of this mish-mash of inspiration? Polka Dot Chocolate Popcorn.
Polka Dot Chocolate Popcorn Ingredients:
- popcorn, popped
- chocolate candy melts (I like Merckens brand)
- Cocoa Puffs (or generic substitute)
To make popcorn, I absolutely love using my Nordicware microwave popcorn popper. No oil, no fuss, no chemicals. It works brilliantly, doesn't overheat like air poppers can, and is much more compact to store, too. But whatever method of popping popcorn you prefer, pop some up.
Like what I did there with the ingredient bowls? Getting in the Mickey Mouse mood!
Melt the red chocolate melts, and drizzle over the popped popcorn. At this point it looks like something for Halloween, or a Dexter party, but it does get more appetizing, I promise.
Toss the popcorn to coat with the red melted chocolate. Add a little salt (that salty/sweet thing is always good). At the end, mix in your chocolate puff cereal and mix briefly. You don't want the chocolate polka dots to get too covered in red chocolate.
Let cool (I usually put mine in the fridge) until the chocolate solidifies, then dish it up. I used red plastic party cups embellished with a couple circles punched out of white paper glued on to evoke Mickey's classic shorts.
Man, I wish I'd thought to do this with white chocolate and Trix cereal for the Sprinkles themed birthday party!