I love edible cake toppers, but I'm not obsessive about it. I'm totally find with other, non-edible cake toppers, especially when I get a fun idea for something, like these flags that look like they're waving in the wind. I wanted to use the same fabric I'd used elsewhere at the Sprinkles themed birthday party, so non-edible was the way to go.
I'm not sure why these little waving pennants make me so happy, but they really do.
So many awesome varitations are possible, too! You're limited only by the fabrics and ribbons you can find.
Materials for Making Waving Flag Cake Toppers:
- fabric
- masking tape
- wire (I used floral wire)
- Mod Podge glue
- bamboo skewers (food safe)
Set a length of tape sticky side up, and place a piece of wire down teh middle of the tape. Place a second piece of masking tape on top of the first piece, enclosing the wire inside. Trim ends to remove excess wire or sticky, unmatched edges.
Cut a piece of fabric a little more than twice as long as the piece of wired tape, and a little bit wider as well. Glue the wired tape structure to the wrong side of the fabric, fold the fabric over the tape, and Mod Podge the outside of the fabric, too.
Once the Mod Podge has dried, you've essentially created your own custom fabric wired ribbon. Trim the edges neatly, and cut into a long pennant flag shape.
Use a hot glue gun to attach the fabric flag to a bamboo skewer (the kind you'd use for making kebabs on the grill); they're food safe, and ready to stick into the cake. You could just glue it to the end of the flag and leave it at that, but I like to wind the fabric once around the bamboo skewer, so you don't see where it's glued on.
These cake toppers were whimsical and fun at the sprinkles party, but I've also used them for an elegant nautical wedding photo shoot on the sand castle cake. I think they'd be perfect on a more princessy castle cake, or a baseball themed cake, and more--so many themes this could work with!