The Mother's day/spring garden party was so much fun to develop, because I got to work so closely with my girls. They always love assisting me, but sometimes I have to turn down their sweet pleas to "help" when it's something I need to look just-so. It was fun not just to let them be involved in every project, but indeed, to be in charge.
The open-faced little cucumber tea sandwiches were a hit with the whole family. Sophisticated and flavorful enough to be appealing to the parents, but simple and fun enough for the kids.
If you would prefer a gluten free option, try these 10 minute cucumber bites.
Ingredients for Easy Open Face Cucumber Tea Sandwiches:
- a loaf of French bread
- herbed cream cheese spread (recipe here)
- cucumbers, preferably English or Persian cucumbers, which have fewer seeds
- small flower shaped cookie or gum paste cutters
First, slice the bread and slice the cucumbers. Easy peasy.
Then, let your kids have a blast cutting flower shapes out of the cucumbers. The leftovers are pretty good for snacking if you get hungry while you're in the kitchen, FYI.
Spread herbed cream cheese on the bread, and top with cucumber flowers. Fresh, delicious finger food, made with lots of love and fun by the kids.