This easy to make, colorful yarn tassel and pom pom garland is fun and festive and a whimsical decoration that you can use all year long. I'll show you how to make the yarn tassels, the pom pom garland, and how to put them together.
I made this tassel and pom pom garland to go with the llama garland for Valentine's day.
I was inspired by the amazing, colorful textiles that Peruvian llamas wear, with all their vibrant yarn tassels and pom poms.
Materials for Tassel and Pom Pom Garland:
- colorful pom poms in assorted colors
- colorful yarn
- sharp scissors
- thick button thread
- needle
I bought this color mix of assorted pom poms from Michaels, but you can find similar pom pom mixes on Amazon, too.
How to Make Yarn Tassels:
Wind the yarn around any object approximately the size you want the finished tassel to be. I just used my fingers. The more you wind, the fuller and fluffier the tassel will be
Slip the looped yarn off your fingers (or other object, and use a few inches of yarn to tie the loop together at one end.
Cut the loop of yarn directly opposite of where you just tied the yarn together.
Use another piece of yarn to tie around the body of the yarn tassel and create the head of the tassel.
Trim the yarn tassel to make the ends even.
Some yarn tassels I attached to my garland just as they were. Others, I used button thread to sew some pom poms to the top of the tassel to create extra length
Use button thread (it's nice and strong and won't break nearly as easily as regular thread) to string the pom poms in a simple garland.
Once the basic pom pom garland is complete, tie the yarn tassels on the garland at regular intervals.
Hang the tasseled pom pom garland anywhere you need some bright, cheerful decor.
This garland has enough going on that it's delightful entirely on its own.
But I especially love it combined with the llama Valentine's day garland I made!