Who loves llamas? If you have a llama loving kid, download these free printable llama valentines, and show off the llama llove!
I've never met a llama in real life, but I do have a friend with an adorable alpaca named Horatio, so I'm a fan of the whole family Camelidae.
Plus, who could resist fun, punny spellings of "love" with two Ls?
If you want to make your printables look perfect and professional, check out this amazing advice from Frog Prince Paperie on the topic. As soon as I bought the paper she recommended, and tweaked my printer settings, my printables looked SO much better!
The llama valnetines I created come with all four designs on one page, so you'll need to just cut them into individual valentines. I love my Fiskars paper cutter for jobs like this.
Free Printable Llama Valentines:
Happy Valentine's Day!