I've loved The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe since I was a small child, and have read it many, many times over the years. It was the inspiration and theme of this year's Trunk or Treat, in fact.
At my Trunk or Treats, I like to have a non-candy option available for kids with food allergies, and that need was the inspiration for Lucy's healing potion necklace.
"In this bottle, there is a cordial made of the juice of the fire-flowers that grow in the mountains of the sun. If you or any of your friends are hurt, a few drops will restore them."
--C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Well, it wasn't a necklace in the book, but I adapted it for my purposes when I found these darling heart-shaped bottle charms.
The perfect magical treat for our Narnia Trunk or Treat.
I also experimented on a larger scale, making just glittery potion bottles. The necklaces are fun to wear, but these slightly larger bottles are absolutely mesmorizing, in a lava-lamp kind of way.
Want to know all the details of how to make either potion for yourself? Head to Page Two for the full tutorial!
Narnia Inspired Potion Bottle Necklace Tutorial
Materials for Lucy's Cordial Potion Bottle Necklaces:
- assortment of orange and red glitter
- potion bottle charms
- baby oil
- jump rings
- necklace cords
Carefully fill the teeny tiny bottles with baby oil. Add glitter (I used a folded piece of paper to help guide it in the small opening). Cork it back up.
Use a jump ring (buy here) to attach the potion bottle to the necklace cord. I used faux suede necklace cords (buy here) that I had leftover from my daughter's Minecraft birthday party earlier this year.
The necklaces were perfect for the Narnia Trunk or Treat, but afterward, I decided to experiment with making larger potion bottles with thicker baby oil gel. I'd bought both the regular baby oil and the gel at the same time, but I couldn't get the viscous gel oil through the tiny opening of the necklace bottles, so I stuck with regular baby oil. That didn't suspend the glitter as well as I'd hoped, though. It was fine, just not the slow, dreamy movement I'd imagined.
With the larger bottles(buy the ones I used here, also left over from the Minecraft birthday party), however, I was easily able to use the gel baby oil, and it worked exactly as I'd imagined. The glitter stays magically suspended, as far as I can tell, indefinitely. When you turn the bottle, the mixture moves with the mesmerizing motion of a lava lamp. I'll bet you could use cosmetic grade glitter and maybe a little bit of essential oil scent to create a luxurious, magical moisturizing oil. I'm inspired to experiment more!