Harry Potter is fun all year 'round, but especially at Halloween! I made this Monster Book of Monsters box for the Harry Potter Trunk or Treat.
It was especially awesome with chocolates wrapped in Harry Potter scrapbook paper.
We know just how to soothe this savage bookish beast to get our treats!
Harry Potter Monster Book of Monsters Candy Box Tutorial
Want to make your very own Monster Book of Monsters to hold your Halloween treats or other treasures? I'll show you how I made mine.
Harry Potter Monster Book of Monsters Box Materials:
- cardboard box
- felt
- faux fur
- eyeball erasers
- plastic vampire teeth
Assemble your box, or recycle a box that someone has sent something to you in. Cut off the tabs meant for keeping the box lid closed, and glue or tape the rest of the tabs in place to keep the box portion securely together. I used a box that my daughter had already started to mangle for a project, without knowing that those boxes aren't part of the craft supplies. But I managed to save it and put it to good use!
Cut a piece of felt to line the box and glue in place. Cut a rectangle of faux fur fabric larger than the box, and use a glue gun to glue the fur to the exterior of the box. It's a lot like wrapping a gift.
Before you glue the fur down on the lid portion of the box, cut three small slits in the fur for the eraser eyeballs to peak through. I bought my eyeball erasers at my local dollar store, but you can also find similar ones online. Glue the eyeballs to the cardboard box lid.
Stretch the fur over the eyeballs, so that the small slit you cut in teh fabric pulls over and exposes the eraser eyeballs. Glue the fur well around the eyeballs, then finish gluing the fur to the rest of the top of the box.
Cut off the front teeth portion of inexpensive Halloween vampire fangs.
Glue the plastic teeth to the insider of the box.
Then fill with candy, and revel in the geeky glory!